Thursday, April 23, 2009

So close, and yet, so very far away...

I passed my comprehensive exams. My committee rated the exam as "Satisfactory." It would have been nice to have passed with distinction, but let's just be honest right now--comps were not a priority. School is honestly not too big of a priority right now. I am finishing the work and putting the time in, but it is so very difficult to work on school projects as if I were working for the Lord. It's a struggle, I know. I've got an interview next week for a part-time vocal position at the Music Academy of NC, and I am excited to see what that will do and if any other opportunities will open up. At this point, I'm staying in Greensboro, probably scooting around teaching voice and maybe some choral gigs if I get the opportunity. I have to hit these private schools pretty soon. Yeah....after I finish my paper, perhaps.

I'm very excited, however, to see God at work in my life. I can get down easily, especially about the current job market and exactly how I'm going to make it in this life as a choral conductor with about as much experience as a peanut. God is good, though, and He will provide--of this I am certain. I'm trying to view these gloomy and ominous storm clouds ahead as an opportunity for God to burst forth in a radiant sunshine that will be all the more glorious. Psalm 105 says: "Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually. Remember His wonders which He has done, His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth..." (4-5, NASB). I need to remember this, that while I'm struggling to seek God continually, God is passionately pursuing and alluring me (as a good friend recently reminded me).

My friend Amanda Mae got engaged (apparently--that's what Facebook tells me, at least) this week. I'm excited to see some of my friends growing and progressing into the next stages of their lives. She'll have her wedding on the beach (just like she always wanted) and I'm already seeing if I can be a part of the music in her wedding. It's very encouraging to me that after all of this burnout with music that I still have a calling to share and communicate with my friends the best way that I know how: through music. I hope it can be a blessing to her as well.

I'll also be singing at a wedding in May, and it will be good to go back to TN, at least for a little while. Mom wants me to come sing at church that weekend, too. Does anybody else have this dilemma? You want to go visit your parents/friends/acquaintances from back home, and suddenly you're put on a tour schedule spanning the entire town (all 12 blocks of it). I guess as a musician this is something I'll have to get used to. It's a good thing, too, though. At least people (most people) appreciate what I do and want to hear more of it. That's a good thing, right?

Alright, I am about to go to Glee Club and do that thing. Fifty minutes of singing "America the Beautiful." Yeah. Two concerts this weekend, one in Winston-Salem. One I'm conducting. Woo! It's going to be okay--God is sovereign.

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