Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's been too long

What with my new job and all, I've found it difficult to make time for blogging. Not only that, but my particular school system has made it very clear just how much trouble I can get into by misrepresenting them on this particular blog. Or Facebook. Or pretty much anything you do that might be seen by a student and taken in the wrong context. I've found this to be very true over the past two months. However, it seems so boring to discuss work here. It is what it is. It's a good job that pays decently for work that involves some type of music. All in all, I really can't complain. A lot has happened since I last posted, though. I thought I might update (due to some encouragement from an avid reader).

One week ago, I asked my best friend in the world if she would marry me. She (amazingly enough) said yes. Now, I consider myself to pretty much be the most fortunate guy ever. God has been more gracious than I could ever imagine Him to be. And He will continue to bestow His mercies everyday. It's just amazing to think back to the times in my life when I thought I knew what I wanted, and God told me to be patient. I was not very patient, and, in some instances, found myself more foolish and more hurt by following my own impulses. I had no idea that He had a woman like Debbie in store for me. I suppose I find it hard to trust sometimes. Perhaps I can take a lesson from this. Debbie is a true woman of God, a Proverbs 31 woman, a woman who will build me up, hold me accountable, love me unconditionally, and provide a glimpse into the glory of Christ. It will be my honor and duty to love her like Christ loves the Church. Now, I realize that those are some big shoes to fill, but by the grace of God, I will do my best.

Just wanted to share that tidbit of information on a rainy Saturday. Perhaps if I find myself with some downtime in the future, I'll share a bit more. Right now, we plan on having the wedding late June in Ohio (with possible receptions in Tennessee and North Carolina). We plan on moving back to Tennessee (at least for a little while), and our lives will continue, except we will now share one path. I look forward to it. I sure do miss her (Her being in North Carolina and I in Tennessee). Pray for us. We'd appreciate it.

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