Saturday, May 2, 2009

Down, but not Out

Well, Bessie is in Tennessee now enjoying the fresh mountain air and taking a much-needed respite from the daily grind here in Greensboro. I hope, when they're not working on her, that they'll let her play with the other cars in the shop. My parents came in for a visit this weekend, and they left this morning in a rented car, leaving the Volvo behind for me. It's nice, but certainly no Bessie. My parents will have to share a car until I come in next weekend for a wedding. Hopefully, Bessie will be up and running by then. I'd like to take her to Ohio, but we'll have to play it by ear to see if she's ready for that kind of travel. You may be asking, why would you want to take Bessie to Ohio? Well, if you're not a Facebook stalker like myself, then I'll speak to the matter.

I have been pursuing (as in a romantic way, not like chasing her around the building, although there has been some of that, too) a young lady at UNCG for the past couple of months. I'm not sure if you ever really catch the girl, but we have come to a mutual conclusion that we're going to pursue God (and the lesser mysteries of life) together. That's probably all I'll say about that, not because I have no more to say, but because I'd rather you see the joy and sincerity on my face as I talk about Debbie. Blogs just don't do it.

In other news, I'm currently looking for jobs. I had an interview this past week, and hopefully I'll receive a call soon so I can go through the next part of the hiring process. I've applied to be a voice teacher at the Music Academy of NC. I'm also looking into some private schools around the area. I know of at least one that is definitely hiring and one that might be. We will see. I'm also looking forward to reading! I am going to read this afternoon! Isn't that so exciting! I'm going to finish up "Jo's Boys" today and then hopefully start either 1)Emma (Austen) 2)The Two Towers (Tolkien) or 3)Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery). I'll probably also read the Twilight series at some point, but only because Debbie liked it. Probably not for any other reason than that. Yeah.

Off now to read and eat lunch! "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But victory belongs to the Lord." (Proverbs 21:31) Random? Yes, but I like it.

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