Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's been awhile (or a while?)

Anyway, so, the semester is almost over. It's been pretty hectic since I got back from Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was pretty nice--I got to see some family and most of it was not that awkward. We decided as a family that we were going to try to actively engage one another (I've been reading too much Emergent literature) in dialogical activites. I think the first step (and we all agreed) is to just go out and do things as a family. Bowling was suggested. Now, it may seem weird that my family is having this discussion. At least to my recollection, we were never the type to break out the board games or sit around and watch movies together. Oh, we have in the past (more movies than board games), but it never seems to be a priority. We're no Rauschers, that's for sure.

Aside from all that jazz, school is almost over this semester, and really this degree is almost complete. One more semester and I'll have my master's degree. Yes, I will then be addressed as "Master Haggard." I think it's only appropriate. I remember the Xanga days of wondering what to do after completing my Bachelor's, oh so long ago. I can put off the real world no longer, I must seek a job. I'm not sure what to do, though. I'm looking into several things, including seminary (talk about putting off the real world), finding a paying church job, private school teacher, traveling musician and teacher (this is actually looking like the most promising at the moment), and other such nonsense related to music. I wouldn't mind spending some time professionally researching some interesting aspects of music. People have to sponsor you, though, and you usually have to have credibility and maybe even a real job. So I suppose I will wait and do what I can from my laptop.

I am finishing up a semester long project/presentation/paper on Lili Boulanger (1893-1918). She was 24 when she died. I'm 24 right now. She's considered the "foremost woman composer in music history." I'm not even close to anything like that. In fact, I had a dream last night that I was singing in a performance of her setting of Psalm 130. What a gorgeous piece. I mean like, just weeping all over the keyboard gorgeous. Right now, and I am discussing this in my paper, there's a debate over her identity, which is kind of odd. Some want to say she was this angelic figure, child genius who through the grace of God accomplished all that she did, in spite of her constant illness. Some say she was this conniving feminist who "played the game" to succeed where her sister, Nadia, failed to win the Prix de Rome (Lili was the first woman to win it in music, btw). Others say she was kind of a mix. Others say she was this mystic who was obsessed with the number 13. Who really knows for sure? Next the year all of her documents and correspondence will be released, and I hope that perhaps I may get a chance to look at them. Of course, I'll probably need to learn French and have to sweet talk a bunch of old lady feminists, but we'll see.

As soon as I'm done with this paper, I'm going to start applying for jobs. Whoo! I'd love to hear from you all soon. If I don't, Merry Christmas!


Dee Dee said...

"We're no Rauschers?"
What does that mean?
We don't sit and play games ALL the time either, although my kids would like that....
But I'm honored to have been mentioned on your blog!

Logan said...

Sometimes, more often than not nowadays, I wished that I had been born into a large family. I have only one sibling, and he doesn't much have time to get into the silliness that we explore at the Rauscher house. Although, on Christmas night, we almost broke out into a game of Taboo, but alas, it was not to be so. Maybe I should mention people more often so I could get more comments!